breathe out

breathe outbreathe out1.呼气, 呼出The doctor asked me to breathe in, then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气, 然后全部呼出。2.呼吸时吐出He breathed out wine fumes.他呼出的气有酒味。3.说出On seeing this, he breathed out reproaches.他一看见这就破口大骂。

breathe out1.呼气:to breathe in and then to breathe out fully先深吸气然后深呼气2.呼出:to breathe out smoke吐烟雾to breathe out wine fumes呼出酒气3.低声说出:She breathed out reproaches.她低声说出责备的话。to breathe out curses喃喃地诅咒着

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